Monday 14 February 2011

Preliminary Task

At the start of this project we were asked to complete a preliminary task. In this preliminary task we had to include such camera techniques as 'shot/reverse shot', '180 degree rule' and 'match on action'. We also had to include someone walking into a room, talking to someone and walking back out.
We decided to use a crime thriller for our preliminary task and so this way it can slightly link in with our film idea due to the use of detectives.
The task starred me and Robert acting out the scene.
We tried to add a sense of enigma to the task so that way, like how were hoping our film will be, it will make the viewers curious about what is going on. We done this by not specifically giving details of the task that “went wrong” and this way it can make the viewers curious.


Preliminary task script:

*= directions
Italics: speech

*walks through entrance

*Enters room with Robert waiting

*sits down opposite Robert

Nathan : hello boss

Robert: Nathan, welcome

Nathan: Im sorry but… there were complications with the job… it didn’t, exactly go to plan

*Robert sighs

Robert: Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. In this organisation, we do not tolerate failure!


Robert: do you understand?

Nathan: Im sorry, it wont happen again! I promise you!

*Robert leans forward

Robert: I know you wont, NOW GET OUT!

Nathan: Yes sir

*gets up and leaves

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