Wednesday 27 April 2011

Final cut for the ignotus opening

So we have finaly complted our film opening, in comparison to what we suggested after the 4th cut where we would re-voice over annas's scene we have now finaly completed that and now the final cut is on youtube.
So here is now our final cut for our opening scene.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Audiance feedback

7 evaluation questions

1)      In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products?
I feel that our product dose follow the traditional genre theme, I say this due to the way that the film have an obvious protagonist who has lost his memory and this is shown clearly in the opening, and we also have a sinister character trying to find out information from him.
The music and locations also use forms and conventions how they both appeal to the genre of the film due to how the location was gloomy and dark and the music was sinister and I feel that it all fitted in well with the film.

         2) How does your product represent particular social groups?
 I  feel that we did not make our product target any particular audience, in this way we tried to make our target suitable for all people and thus by not targeting a specific type of audience we could make an opening that everyone would enjoy and thus gain maximum appeal.

         3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  I feel that a media institution such as Columbia pictures would be suitable to distribute our media product... looking at their previous films, such as angels and demons and the da-vinci code and I feel that with our product being similar to these kinds of films, and the way in which it is a mystery thriller involving an artifact that they would have a good line of experience to aid us in the making of the film and for these reasons we feel that Columbia pictures would be a suitable institution to distribute our product.

         4) Who would be the audience for your product?
I feel that our target audience would be people of around 15+, I have decided this on the basis that the opening starts of the portrayal of the film as quite dark and mysterious, you can see this with the use of blood on the characters t-shirt and  also the violence that is included. I feel this is a reasonable decision due to how there are many 15+ films coming out recently and this way we can still attract a large majority of people to view the film.

         5) How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted the audience with the use of sending out surveys 1st of all to check what type of film that people would be interested in viewing. This also made people interested in the film. Secondly we presented the 1st draft of our film to the class, this way we gained points from the group in how to improve our opening and from this it allowed us to address the audience’s queries and questions about the opening.

         6) What have you leant about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
From using the Macs to construct the film opening I have learn to utilize certain technologies for making and editing films, such as final cut express and adobe after effects. With these two programs I feel that I have improved my editing techniques and as a whole the group has utilized them to the best of our ability to finalize our opening.

         7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
 Looking back at the preliminary task I feel that I have learnt that in order to improve a film to the best it can be you must 1stly make sure the music fits in well with the genre of the film thus letting it suit the opening.
Secondly you must make sure that the voicing is clear and if not make sure that you make suitable re-dubs.
Finally instead of just having good acting you also need good editing in order to draw the audience in, by having good editing effects you can make the film seems more enjoyable and believable for the audience.
With these in mind I feel that we as a group and me personally have progressed since the beginning of the project.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Comparison between the first cut and the final cut

1st cut:

Final cut: 

So throught the project some changed were obviously needed,
While watching the 1st cut you can see that the music is different (and although I feel it dose fit in with the whole genre of the film this was later taken out due to us realising that it was not copyright free music).
Also the sound quality was very poor and difficult to hear yet we later aquired a mic and re-dubbed over the voices making them clearer and making them able to be fitted in at other parts of the film.
We felt tht we could cut out the "demonic roar" when he goes out to reach the artifact as feedback form the class when we presented it made us realise that it didnt fit in with the rest of the film and this way we could also add the use of inigma to make the audiance more curious as to what happend to him after he grabs the artifact.
We decided to keep in the smoke text for the credits as once again we felt this went well with the genre of the film, however to make it seem less like a trailer and more like a acctual film opening we decided to split up the text and put it between clips, this way the audiance would be kept interested and not just have to read 30 seconds of text at once.
And finally we added in a second "ignotus" font at the end of the opening, this was due to how, when presenting it to the class we recieved feedback that it was hard to read the "smokey ignotus" and so we added in a second more clearer sign of it, however we still kept the smokey ignotus as we felt it went well with the rest of the smoke text.
So that was the differences between the 1st and final cut of the opening, we hope that the changes were benifital and in all improved the opening.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Ignotus opening 4th cut

With this cut we have changed the credits around to make it seem less like a trailer and more like a film opening.
With this we have nearly prefected our opening and have just one final bit to change where we need to re-do over annas's voice where he gets 'slapped' by robbert.
Hopefully after we have added in the voice we would have fully finished the opening.

Friday 1 April 2011

3rd version of opening

This si the third version of our film opening.
What differs between the 2nd opening and 3rd opening is we have modified the voices and given a echo effect and added in extra voices.

Audiance feedback from the class

Two weeks before the final deadline we gave a viewing to the calss to find out what we could improve and change.
the feedback we recieved was very positive and it seemed that people were happy with the progress we had made so far.
The film that they were shown was the second cut of our opening.
The suggestions that they gace us were that we needed to improve on the audio and sound effects, along with different background movie.